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Horse Boarding 



We are currently accepting boarders. Feel free to contact us for additional details as well as a tour. 


***Boarders are required to take weekly lessons.


Barn Hours: Sunday-Saturday 8:00am-9:00pm


Amenities include:

- 10 x 12 stalls
- Individual tack lockers
- Wash rack with hot water
- Heated viewing lounge/restroom
- Indoor 60' x 140' sand arena with heated viewing area

- Outdoor 75' x 185' all weather lighted arena

- Two all weather turnouts

- One grass turnout (weather permitting)

- On site Instruction


- Full feeding provided twice daily

- Buckets cleaned out daily
- Weekday turnout available
- Smartpack fed at no additional cost
- Tribute grains available
- Quality hay provided by Nickajack Farms

- Group appointments available with Cleveland Equine Clinic for spring/fall shots


Cost of Services:


Self Care Boarding: $515.00

-Twice daily feeding

-Access to all amenities

-Lessons at a special rate

-Turnout/stall cleaning not included


Full Board: $675.00

-Twice daily feeding

-Access to all amenities

-Lessons at a special rate

-Turnout and stall cleaning 6 days a week included


All potential boarders are required to have proof of coggins, dewormer, and vaccinations. 


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